Thursday, February 18, 2010

Alaven Pharmaceuticals Cystoprotek Soft Gel Capsules, 120-Count Bottle
Product By Alaven Pharmaceutical LLC
Available From 1 Sellers

Product Description

Interstitial Cystitis (IC), also called Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS), is as bad as it sounds. While there is no known cure for this disorder, CystoProtek can help reduce bladder damage and pain, improving the overall symptoms in patients with IC/PBS.

An all natural oral dietary supplement in a soft gel capsule.

CystoProtek is a clinically tested supplement that does not require a prescription.
Clinically Proven Effective
IC/PBS is a chronic inflammation of the bladder that occurs more in women, but also affects men. Varying from fairly mild to extremely painful, symptoms can include urinary urgency, urinary frequency, nocturia and pelvic pain. The Interstitial Cystitis Association reports that recent data indicates there are more than 700,000 cases of IC in the U.S. For the hundreds of thousands whose lives are significantly impaired due to pain and the need to urinate excessively, CystoProtek was demonstrated in two clinical studies to be effective in reducing the pain and symptoms of IC patients.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties
This natural oral dietary supplement comes in a soft gel capsule form. Cystoprotek is made with anti-inflammatory properties glucosamine, quercetin and rutin to help reduce bladder damage and pain, and glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronate sodium help replenish the damaged glycosaminoglycan (GAG) protective layer in the bladder. Chondroitin sulfate is one of the main components of cartilage and muscosa layers, forming the connecive tissue that holds muscles, nerves, and blood vessels together. Sodium hyaluronate is another component of protective tissue, including the GAG layer of the bladder, and is essential in the rebuilding process. Extracted from the saphora plant, rutin is a non-acidic natural flavonoid that adds additional anti-inflammatory qualities and liberated quercetin in the intestine, making absorption easier.

CystoProtek is not a cure for IC. At this time, there is no known cure for the condition. Additionally, it is important to understand that CystoProtek is not an analgesic. It may take three to four months to offer a relief of symptoms. In clinical study Cystoprotek was well tolerated by patients ingesting 4-6 softgel capsules per day for 4-6 months.

Technical Details

  • Capsules help symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome
  • Anti-inflammatory properties glucosamine, quercetin and rutin help reduce bladder damage and pain
  • Glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronate sodium replenish damaged protective layer in the bladder
  • Clinically proven effective in reducing pain and symptoms of IC patients
  • Natural oral dietary supplement in soft gel capsule

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Customer Reviews

"Not Sure But Worth The Price" 2010-02-07
By noctuavirtue (Burbank, CA)
Red capsules (somewhat large), certified potency (FDA) and reviews of how it has helped real IC patients. That's enough for me to continue taking it even when my IC isn't nearly as bad as most. The pain from a flare is maddening and trust me you NEVER know how bad something is until it's happening. Being a 28 year old male the last urologist I saw said he could do nothing and told me to avoid trigger foods, thanks docs. I'll stick to this for now. Does it work? Well... it may, it differs from person to person I suppose, but is it worth the risk not to take it? I'd rather stay on it than risk not taking it and find myself in a worse position in a year.

"Good Product" 2010-02-01
By Kimberly Pflug
Cystoprotek is a very good supplement to help people who suffer from chronic interstial cystitis and it has helped my cystitis symptom very much.

"Very effective for IC and energy" 2010-01-31
By Gretchen Lloyd (manhattan beach, ca United States)
Cystoprotek was recommended by my urologist for Interstitial Cystitis. It has helped a great deal plus its side effects seem to be greatly increased energy. I researched all the ingredients and they are all natural and good for the body. I have even recommended it to my family and friends who don't have IC!!! Gretchen

"First good night's sleep in over a year" 2009-12-29
By Jennifer Diaz (Chicago, IL USA)
I have had interstitial cystitis for over a year. It wakes me up several times each night and prevents me from getting solid rest. I normally look young but dark circles and a general haggard appearance have revealed the toll the interrupted sleep has been taking on my body.

When I finally received the IC, your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine "diagnosis," I wanted to find an alternative remedy rather than take prescribed drugs that were either new and experimental, or that were known to make hair fall out. I ordered Cystoprotek along with Healthy Life Harvest Aloe capsules for IC sufferers and Prelief to help cancel out the acid in my foods.

After two and a half weeks, I am finally sleeping again. Last night I slept nine hours straight! New moms and people with IC will understand what this means to me.

My dosage has been two Cystoprotek twice a day, two or three Prelief tabs with acid-forming meals, and aloe caps three times per day. The final dosage of aloe I save for the middle of the night in case I wake up. (I was happy to miss that dose last night!)

One note of caution on the aloe - the manufacturers don't mention this but some sources recommend against taking aloe vera for more than six weeks at a time. It is believed to have a long-term dampening effect on the sexual system and libido if taken without a break. Unfortunately, I couldn't ascertain how long the break should be.

Finally, I am also avoiding foods known to aggravate IC: cranberry, tomato, citrus, coffee and tea, all of which will give me an extra-bad night, Prelief notwithstanding. I seem to do OK with some others like avocado, though. Perhaps it is individual.

I will update in a month or two. BTW, hats off to Amazon. I ordered this through their subscription program, which knocks %15 off the price and comes with free shipping - nice. But imagine my surprise when the two bottles I ordered arrived THE NEXT DAY. Overnight free shipping? Who ever heard of THAT? Needless to say, I am extremely satisfied with this purchase.

"A Personal Miracle" 2009-12-15
By SnooZQ (Pac NW)
I credit Cystoprotek for giving me back a good night's sleep. Before starting on this product, I suffered from severe nocturia -- up many times per night to pee. Even with low-dosing 1 softgel/day due to tender tummy, within 3 weeks I was starting to see an improvement. For about 9 mos. straight, I took Cystoprotek daily. Since then, I've cut back to taking it a few times per week. The benefits have held.

I've also experienced a great improvement in urgency & frequency during daytime hours, and no longer experience incontence leaks. Pad liberation, yay!

One thing I especially appreciate,and that is that after I'd been on Cystoprotek for a while, I began to once again tolerate small amts of tea, fruit juice, salad dressings & acidic fruits, which before Cystoprotek triggered bouts of agonizing urinary frequency.

Thumbs up for this great product.

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